Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Welcome Back, Bears!

July 22, 2014

As the summer winds down, I can't help but think about how excited I am to see all of you, and to hear about the many wonderful stories you have to share about your travels and adventures over the last few months. I also hope that you all got plenty of time to reconnect and recharge with your families. It will be great to see your smiling faces very soon. As for our family, we had the exciting experience of taking our boys to Southern California for the very first time. We were so fortunate to have close friends and family come from all over the region to join us for a big picnic to welcome our twins to my hometown for the very first time! And while the boys enjoyed their time with family, I think they were more interested in the bouncy house than anything else that day!

I also want to share some thoughts regarding a book I would like to invite you all to read this year. it's called The Energy Bus, by John Gordon. And no need to buy it, we purchased copies for the entire staff.
The book discusses the secrets towards approaching life with positive and forward thinking, despite the anticipated and unanticipated challenges we may face. I will offer periodic thoughts via this forum throughout the year on some of the topics and themes presented in the book, and how they may translate to Barnwell.

                                              In fact, the circumstance we presently face of not being able to access our building until August 4, 2014, is a good segue. The real mission that calls us to serve in this profession is the positive impact we hopefully have on the students we are privileged to serve. All of the rest is icing on the cake, in the way of aesthetics and logistics. This is how I process my own anxieties about the tight and ever changing timelines we have been faced with throughout the renovations. It is the warmth and gratitude I feel in serving an outstanding school community with outstanding students, staff, and parents, that provides me with the positivity and enthusiasm to propel my own "energy bus!"This is despite that our work is often unpredictable as we navigate so many factors beyond our control.

The flexibility and adaptability that all of you show reminds me of an article I encountered, called "9 Reasons Parents are Thankful for Teachers" (link below). These are also 9 of the same reasons why principals are thankful for teachers!  I appreciate you and all that you do immensely. Thank you for being you, and welcome back to a new school year!


 "9 Reasons Parents are Thankful for Teachers"
